Thursday, January 31, 2008

trip to wall street

here is the adorable young lady in her new hat!! it's a little too big for her, but honestly i'm glad. she can grow into it. she likes it! in return she made me a lovely piece of art. which is on display now in my studio so i can look at it every day. next to my star wars action figures and other original art.

she said the O looks like a target. oh how i love the way a child's mind works.

this is my co-worker Nikki's daughter, and with her husband they make the most adorable family. a beautiful apartment in the Financial District, they took me on a royal tour! up to their roof....where i got a perfect view of Ground Zero.

digging. you can see the covered PATH train (to New Jersey) entrance, the future site of a glorious sculpture by Santiago Calatrava. one of my favorite architects.

photo courtesy of new PATH train entrance coming soon.


i've uploaded tons of photos to FLICKR! will upload a few more tonight.


Anonymous said...

Don't you just love how kids give art as a way of thanking you, or just give art to give art. I wish that we'd never lose that impulse. You, obviously, haven't.

I think this has something to do with art education in this society and how art is valued (or not valued, as the case may be). By the time kids are in middle school they'd rather buy things than make things.

Ruth said...

Wow, what a place they have! Astonishing view.

Macy looks sooo cute and happy. And her art for you is beautiful. Who knows what she will do someday!

And oh! Calatrava! Rememeber I saw his bridge in Dublin, with his fellow countryman? I think I sent you the picture.

Your posts always make me happier.

Unknown said...

heather!! good to hear from you! yes, i have my parents to thank for keeping me interested in art. and i was lucky enough to go to a high school that had a great art program. it warms my heart when a child hands me an original piece of art, and then sits down with me and explains every little part of the picture.

mommy!! i know! i am so jealous that you got to see a Calatrava bridge in person! one day. one day. now i'm going to look at your blog! i love you.