'we met through a queer twist of time' - Frida Hyvonen
had a wonderful pampering day. bought some new gorgeous spring shoes, a few new pieces for my professional wardrobe, and had a spa pedicure and manicure done. dark nails to grab attention.

it's amazing, i love living in astoria. conveniences around every corner. the manicure place is seriously only a few blocks from my apartment.
with this beautiful weather, i haven't been getting as much work done for my shop as i've really wanted to. i have a few projects started, but you know. i've actually been focusing a lot on my knitting, as the babies are being born as i speak!!! they'll be needing new hats and sweaters to keep them warm!

speaking of babies, many thousands of congrats to my best girl
Michelle and her husband Tim out in Idaho, on their new baby girl, Eden Grace!!! i am ecstatic!! i only wish i could be out there with her. in the photo above showing my current knitting projects, the bright lime green yarn is for a sweater for the little girl!! my first sweater project. i thought i'd start with a baby size. a bit easier, right?
the other olive green is a hat (for who is a surprise!). i used a nice textured stitch that looks like argyle.
so before i start knitting, i was turned on to this hilarious site,
Simpsonize Me! of course i had to make myself into a Simpson's character.

try it! it's absolutely way too much fun. i think this does actually kind of look like me!

saturday look.
last but not least today, i ordered some lovely handmade stockings from a seller on Etsy,
Sans Soucie, who works out of British Columbia.

all hand-dyed and pieced together for a custom order! i simply emailed the artist, letting her know what color combination i wanted. so original.

her business card. very elegant. will model them soon.
happy spring!!!